Beyond City Lights

Come with us to the twilight zone, below the infinite canopy of stars. We will walk together through the silent forest by the darkening horizon. In comes the darkness, blankets us and lights up celestial fires. Let the senses feel and soul rest, in the ageless moment, here and now.

When was the last time you saw stars in the dark night sky? When you are beyond city lights with us, you will experience darkness and the absolute silence of the Lappish winter and have feeling of the eternity.  We will perform presence activities and learn about the beneficial power of darkness. If we are lucky, we will see stars and magical Northern Lights above us. We will walk shortly, couple of kilometers on well worn paths and winter time in snowy forest with snowshoes. At the campfire, we will enjoy snacks and get to know one another.


135 € per person. Minimum 2, maximum 8 participants.

Groups on request



Transportation, English-speaking guide, snacks.


4-5 hrs (incl. transportation 2 x 1h)


Good winter clothing

Standard walking condition

Suitable for persons over 12 years of age, families with smaller children on request



1.9.2022- 31.3.2023 Rovaniemi and Kemi-Tornio 

Click here for more information about weather conditions,
and how to prepare for your selected outing.

By e-mail or phone

Arctic Emotions Oy
Vaarakoskentie 65
95340 Loue, Tervola
info (at)


first name (at)


Elina Miettunen
+358 (0)44 2388 977


Pauliina Myllylä
+358 (0)44 2389 000